We are an international team, fully responsible and committed to our work. There’s plenty of energy and expertise behind us and we are glad to introduce you Runister. We hope that you'll enjoy it.
Runister is a mix of sport, motivation, challenge, health and innovation. As runners, we believe in the development of new technologies that will help us to perform our daily activities better. Therefore, we’ve designed Runister as a simple but complete tool for running or walking with a breaking through feature. Earn money while running!
Ok, don’t expect to become billionaire by using Runister, but we are sure that you’ll be able to buy some new sneakers or pay some fee race with the money that you’ll earn running with us. On the other hand, we also include a donation chapter within the app, in case you would like to participate with some charity project.
But on the top of that, we will be really satisfied if we motivate you enough with Runister so you can improve your running/walking habits.
Happy running!
Your Runister Team